Monday 25 October 2010

Welcome to our new blog!

Welcome to our new blog where we share our new love of foraging, cooking, home-brew and other attempts at self sufficiency!

Heres a little introduction to us. My name is Elle and I am the proud mother of four children aged 6, 3, 2 and 4months and "her in doors" to my husband of 8 years.

We had been attempting to live a 'green' life since the arrival of our first child in 2004. All 4 children have been cloth nappied. We started recycling our refuse when our council started kerbside collections. However, we only started to become truly green after we purchased 4 chickens.

Since discovering the joy of free food we began foraging and are now completely hooked.

Here, I will be sharing our tips and recipes for anyone also interested in foraging, cooking or just after some ideas to save a few pennies.